Monday 11 August 2014

How to Kick Ass During Uncertain Times past month has been a great time of uncertainty for me- losing my job challenged me to push my limits in so many different ways. I've always loved the hospitality industry and have learned many a skill working in restaurants and bars all over the city. The work definitely gives me the opportunity to connect with people and network. However, my passion for yoga, meditation, mental health and wellness hasn't been fulfilled in this work. So a month off pushed me to explore other opportunities, research and start a whole new conversation. 

As I've learned in the past few years, asking for help is in fact a sign of strength- this month yet again, showed me that although vulnerability is often messy and uncomfortable, its where our power and truth lies.

Owning out story, sharing it and asking for help is how we grow to be our strongest selves and find connection with each other.

So I asked. Many times. It wasn't always easy, but Ive realized that if we don't express how we feel, we cut off the pathways to the support and nourishment that we need. And we all need it.

Alongside my exploration of work opportunities and interviews with employers, I spent much time running and doing yoga. I started cultivating some pretty radical faith and trust. I realized that I had a choice- I could choose fear and scarcity or I could choose love. Each day I focus on choosing love.

Because when we choose love and when we love ourselves, we practice self care, we are patient and kind to ourselves and the people around us and we know that we will handle whatever comes our way. We have done it before and will do it again. Its time to get creative, open our mind and realize that when one door closes, another always opens.

I learned to really surrender, to feel the power of prayer and to let go of the need to control everything. We persevere and do what we can, but we also remember to rest, play and be kind and gentle to ourselves. 


And I practiced loads of gratitude. Because by noticing how many incredible people I have in my life and much more, by raising my awareness to the abundance I have now, I found more opportunity, peace and strength.


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