Friday, 19 April 2013

Express Yourself Fully!
What sets you free? Take a moment to think about this. What makes you go crazy and what gives you the physical sensation that your heart is soaring? Each of us has our own way of accessing our freedom. We each have our own journey, own own needs, desires, passions, wants, ambitions- you know what I mean.

I have mentioned the quote by Marianne Williamson a few times in other entries and I continue to stay true in my belief with her statement. "Our greatest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." It is true. We all have greatness and a brilliant light within, but often times we hold back. We are scared to be judged, scared to be different, scared to be spontaneous without planning our actions so that we can predict what will happen. But what if the only thing we expect is to act in full expression with our truest self, however that looks?

Music has the power to set us free. Expressing our feelings to others and sharing what we feel is also freeing. Writing, running, our job, traveling, being in nature, singing, playing an instrument, being with friends, riding a horse, de-cluttering/getting rid of stuff that we don't need- the list goes on. Each person is different and has different means of accessing their own freedom. Whatever it is, it is important that we each find what it is that sets us free and make a conscious effort to do that thing every day.

Freedom is as simple as a decision. We decide that we are not going to hold back who we are because our light is what will allow us to become our greatest selves and will act as an attracting force to connect us with abundance and the opportunities that we need. We are not victims, waiting for life's circumstances to affect us, but rather we are creators affecting our own life with our decisions.

It might scare people. Expressing yourself may cause people to think you are crazy. But really, we are all crazy, believe me. Even though we conform to society's expectations of how we should act and what we should do, we all have a unique light that is meant to shine.

So smile at strangers, let the world see you laugh and dance. Because "as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same." 

"Your playing small does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you."

"As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

—Marianne Williamson

We all have great minds. Our minds are capable of accumulating great wisdom. But let us not become a prisoner to our thoughts alone. Let us engage our mind, our body, our heart and our spirit in full expression of our true being and share this beingness with others.

In mind, body, heart and spirit,


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