Friday, 9 August 2013

Learning to Love Ourselves First.
Before we can love anyone else wholeheartedly, we must learn to give ourselves the love we deserve. Because in giving ourselves true love, self respect and compassion, we are able to give to others that much more powerfully.

In replenishing our cup first, in giving ourselves energy and strength, we have the strength to give our energy to others without burning out. We cannot possibly give to others when we are running on empty.

It does not make us an honorable or respected person to give if we cannot give to ourselves.

 In fact, it is interesting how others actually respect us more when we have the respect and kindness to take care of ourselves first.

The amazing thing is that giving become enjoyable, easy and actually quite energizing when we are strong within ourselves first. And when others ask us to do things for them, we feel grounded and know our limits. Because we start from a place of strength.

I realized the difference when I started building a compassionate relationship with myself. How much I am able to give to others when I start from a place of self-respect!

Learning to love ourselves first is not something to feel guilty about. When we start from a place of self-love, we are able to more powerfully inspire, contribute, engage and connect with the world and all of the abundance that it holds.



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