What is your sexuality ignited?
What kind of person are you when you fully embrace your sexuality in every part of your body?
If we reflect on our answer to these questions, we are challenged to see the whole picture.
And I must say that the whole picture is so much more than just sex.
However, in today's hookup culture, sex is so easy and can be experienced in such a narrow way. Its not that there is a problem with just sex, but it explains a lot about how we can miss the fulfillment, the adventure and the exploration.
The more we get to experience life, we discover what we desire. With this knowledge, we must allow ourselves to explore from an intuitive place. We must listen to the spontaneous cues that come from our heart, where our desire lies. This takes courage, patience, trust and the willingness to embrace uncertainty. (For more tools to define your Desire, check out Danielle LaPorte's "The Desire Map") Highly recommend!
I talk about embracing uncertainty in other areas of our life and our sexuality is no different. We are sexual beings, here to connect. Yet, often we settle in unsatisfying relationships that suffocate our true sexuality.
If this is the limit, then we can practice the courage to let go of what is no longer serving our well being and growth. When it feels right, when there is alignment, this is the place to grow and explore.
Our true sexuality is pure love, its fire and its free. And we must be in a situation where we are free to express.
Its not possible to be settling in a relationship and find our sexual freedom at the same time.
What we need to do is throw away any ideas that originated from watching porn, connect with our intuition and explore without expectation or story. Just moving with what feels right, letting go of all the "shoulds."
This is the freest place to start. A place of intuitive knowing.
Our body is so much wiser than we often give it credit. It always tells us what we need, and it also knows how to express desire when we allow it. In allowing, we must let go of any preconceived notions and open up to the journey.
Pure, ecstatic freedom led by intuition.
What do you think?